Who do you prefer, Samantha Jones or Blanche Devereaux?

Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010

Happy Birthday Meryl Streep!

The possibly greatest actress of our time, or at least one of them is turning 61 today. I personally have first been introduced to her in 'Out of Africa'. Yes I know classic of the '80s but at the risk of making enemies I hated that movie! Then again who wouldn't if they saw it about 50 times on TV while not even being 10? I can bear it by now, still not a big fan though. At least not of that movie.

Later while growing older – with two Streep-fans as parents – I watched many of her movies. One of my all time favorite is definitely 'The River Wild'. At about 10 I was probably to young to see it and yes some scenes like when they shot the ranger scared me but I was amazed by that woman. She was tough and protected her son the best she could despite being in possibly fatal danger herself.

In the following days I'll give into some rantings about her most memorable performances in my eyes, one of the last but certainly not least of which was 'Mamma Mia' in which she played the once wild teenager turned worried mother.

She's probably the greatest rolemodel a young actress could have. Someone who has a private life, someone who can act and like we can see now, someone who ages gracefully!

All I can say right now is HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MERYL STREEP!

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2010

Michelle Pfeiffer and David E. Kelley at a Chicago hockey game

Looking through the internet today I found pictures of Michelle Pfeiffer alongside her husband David E. Kelley attending a hockey game. It made my day, lately it has become very quite about everyone's favorite 'Catwoman'.
Personally having not the slightest clue of this sport I don't quite see the appeal of going to see a game, but seeing as Michelle Pfeiffer's husband used to play himself it only makes sense that she goes with him.

“She's(Michelle) the world's greatest girlfriend, she even started to go to hockey games.” Is a quote of one of her intimates that came to mind seeing those pictures.

I was really glad to see those pictures, Michelle Pfeiffer really does look young on those pictures.

It immediately made me want to watch 'Grease 2' and 'The Fabulous Baker Boys' again and also inspired this blog. She's such a talented and beautiful actress. I've admired her ever since seeing 'Dangerous Minds'.

I just wish this character actress would work again, it's so sad to see her being forgotten by most moviegoers and critics. And her last flops 'Cheri' and the two straight-to-DVD movies('I could never be your woman' & 'Personal Effects') she could really use a hit, at least critical.

But then again I see her point in rather raising children then going out to promote some movie after all those unfortunate events. She's being treated badly by both critics and studios alike but surely the worst are journalists to her. Just remember the remark of a (cringe) German journalist at the 'Cheri' promotion tour. Whether Michelle felt comfortable baring her 'old and decrepit body'. I mean what the hell is this woman thinking?

It's a shame her movies went straight to DVD, I've seen them, they weren't bad in fact a lot better than X-men:Wolverine or most movies that came out at the same time.
Why not just let her play in something different than a period piece? And for a change not have her be the most disgustingly evil bitch you can imagine?

A well promoted movie something á la 'I could never be your woman' (without the problems in post production) which would have surely clicked with a lot of teen girls. Although right now I would really be happy to just see any new movie with her.

Her work always had some level of quality, surely due to her famous pickiness. (Who else would have passed up 'Silence of the Lambs', 'Sleepless in Seattle' AND 'Evita'?!) There must be some good roles out there for a real character actress that is on the other side of 50 and is still a natural beauty.

Wouldn't we all love to see another movie with the woman who made Catwoman come to live? She has a uncanny ability to attract men and even strike a sympathy cord in women too. So why not offer this woman more roles? She's surely still got it to play a seductress. Or how about another mother role? She seems to be fond of those.

Just something. Yeah I miss seeing good movies in cinema...

Mittwoch, 9. Juni 2010

Samantha Jones vs. Blanche Devereaux

Being a loyal fan of 'Golden Girls' for quite a while and especially with the recent passing of Rue McClanahan(R.I.P. her soul) makes it very hard for me to write this blog. Yes I've been a huge 'Sex and the City' fan since I was 8 and actually way to young to watch it. But they talked about things that I've never even heard of.

Being absolutely in love with both sets of those 4 friends sharing everything and often laughing and suffering with them through their countless discussions at a dinning table made me think about it. Those shows are so much alike.

And yet I can't get over the fact that 'Golden Girls' was sooo over the top and yet a real family show while 'SATC' was often regarded as porn by many who hadn't even seen the show(Yes my family did more than once). Essentially both shows were the same especially Blanche and Sam.
Both tough and rough at first glance, yet with a very warm, soft and caring heart. Both of them frank and often cynical and cautious when it came to men.

While Samantha never married nor had she ever had children – admitting to having aborted before – Blanche had all that what would have driven Sam into insanity. Both having made sexual experiences at an early age and never being afraid to try a new technique or sharing their experiences with the other three girls. Though to Blanche's credit she never turned sides, she was heterosexual same can't be said about Sam.

All in all I think of Blanche as a Samantha of my mother's or maybe even grandmother's era, a little more censored, with a little more class and not so shocking to today's viewers.

However no matter how much I love both shows I have to say 'SATC' and Samantha are just a tad better than it's original(I think it's safe to say Michael Patrick King got his idea from 'GG'). Being 17 now it's maybe just the generation that I personally grew up in, at first being disgusting but soon growing to love Sam's frank nature and her advice.

What do you think? Sam or Blanche? Surely both will be remember for a long time!

Abu Dabhi Do?

I've already went to watch the sequel of the box office hit 'Sex and the City' two times since it came out, I can tell you that this will be the hit of the summer. And despite all the bad reviews and critics you can read out there it's worth seeing. If you are a woman(like I am) that is. At the theater I encountered a few males, yes even straight ones but do your boyfriends, husbands and yourself a favor and make a date with your girlfriends while your male counterpart watches a rerun of 'Basic Instinct'.

Yes it is cheesy, but so were smash hits such as 'Grease' or partly even 'Pretty Woman'. But isn't that what attracts us? A dream... A story that takes us out of reality and just makes us want to have the characters life. Certainly. And I'm sure all of us need a good night out with our favorite gals.

Big(Chris Noth) and Carrie(Sarah Jessica Parker) experience the first marital troubles after their long overdue wedding two years prior while Samantha(Kim Cattrall) is once again single but struggling to hold on to her usual man hungry attitude(How?!). Charlotte(Kristin Davis) is living her dream, but with a bra-less nanny around, how long will it last? Miranda(Cynthia Nixon), career oriented as always has a new boss she loathes and who in turn makes her life hell.

All of the four deal with their love, change and career problems in their normal and frank ways. One of the best scenes for sure is their karaoke version of 'I am woman' for sure.
Personally I've always been a huge fan of Samantha and her outfits in this movie are exquisite(safe the yellow shorts and the orange/red top combination at the end). This will be a fest for every woman loving clothing and guys.

The 80's flashbacks are certainly priceless eye candy for every fan of the four gals and will make you laugh. Especially if you think of your own fashion disasters in the '86.
Just thinking about the guys makes you want to hop on the next plane to Abu Dabhi. The Australian Rugby team is just a mix out of the most gorgeous models you find out there right now. And Richard, the architect that the girls meet in the middle of the desert racing over sand dunes with a jeep(Cheesy? Yes. Hot? OMG for sure) is something even for the ones out there preferring gray temples over an inexperienced 20year olds.

However for the ones preferring 20 year olds, there's still the young god known as Stanford's heterosexual brother who later ends up (who would have thought so?!) in Samantha's bed much to Mr. Big's and Carrie's annoyance.
This time many old flames turn up to say a line or two and contribute to the overall feeling of a class reunion of old friends. Most importantly there would be Aiden, Carries crush and even her once to-be husband, the man that hates Big and the other way around. Speaking of Big he's becoming a homebody much to Carrie's horror whose biggest fear is becoming 'Mr. and Mrs. married'. Also Jarred Smith(Jason Lewis), the waiter-turned-actor who helped Sam through her cancer treatment brought the girls to the premiere and on the red carpet of his latest movie 'The heart of the desert'. (The title under which the movie was delivered to cinemas everywhere.) Also on the long list of participates Harry, husband of Charlotte, as well as their two girls, Bradey, Miranda's son and Steve, her husband.

All in all it's more in the PG-13 rated direction than any of the series, but we're already used to that thanks to the first movie aren't we? A couple of funny jokes like Samantha's sudden disinterest in men, or her constant hormone swallowing are a little over the top but will not fail to make you laugh. The girls each stand for the different phases of an adult woman's life. Charlotte being the loving but absolutely overwhelmed mother, Miranda jeopardizing being a mother in favor of pleasing her anti-feminism boss, Carrie trying to deal with everyday life as a wife and Samantha struggling to come to terms with menopause. It's certainly less NYC and less sex, but the frankness and resulting funniness is definitely the same.

As for the soundtrack it's amazing! You've got Liza Minelli, Alicia Keys and many more. (Don't be scared though, Miley Cyrus isn't going to torture your ears;)). Even the four girls a singing 'I am woman'. It's a real experience, even though the girls are definitely not singers.

In grades I'd at least give it a: A+.
Compared to what's in cinema right now it's definitely the best.

Welcome to my blog

So this is my first blog, my first entry. Well not quite, I've already written to entries who will be posted later in the day. It's an understatement to say I'm excited. I love to write. I was the girl you would always find writing instead of drawing during classes at school, or reading in the breaks.(Yes, nerd alert, I did still get in enough trouble though and still do nowadays)
I will try to cover every movie and subject that comes across my mind and keeps my mind occupied. Movies, reviews, critics, style, celebrities, series, awards, favorite stars of mine... I think you got what I mean. I hope you like this blog. If you do give me some feedback and if you don't just bitch me out.

I've never written a blog so I'll go by feedback deciding whether I keep on with this blog or not.
Just to introduce me shortly so you know whose writing all this shit:
I'm an average 17 year old German teenager. Well not that average maybe, I still go to kind of a college and not work yet(yes over here at my age that's not common) but I wanna be a writer or columnist later on if the whole psychiatric studying thing doesn't work out. I LOVE dogs and horses. Right now I've got cats, birds, a mouse and a bunny.
Why do I nutcase write in English when I'm German you ask? Yeah good question... I simply hate German and I hope to be a writer but I just well I prefer English. Never liked German and the grammar is changed by the government every couple of years again so I'm just like f*ck it and write in English.

I do hope you enjoy the stay on my first blog and come back soon again to read my rambling =D.